
Official Betting in Sports

Official betting is a new form of sports betting that takes place at licensed gambling sites and uses data from the league to settle bets. The goal is to create a fair and accurate way of settling wagers that eliminates human error and provides players with an equitable outcome. The odds on winning bets are based on the amount of money wagered and how that money is divided among all bettors.

Sports betting is legal in Kansas and the state’s sportsbooks are expected to provide a variety of options for fans. Licensed bookmakers should offer multiple ways to place bets, including mobile apps and live streaming. Most will require that players verify their identity, and some may ask for scanned documents to complete this process. These might include a driver’s license, household bill or utility statement.

There are also betting limits and prohibitions on certain types of wagers. For example, players, umpires, club or league officials and employees are prohibited from betting on games they participate in. Those who violate this rule are banned from the game, and may be permanently barred from Major League Baseball.

In addition, a player or team can be fined for betting on games they are scheduled to play in. There is a long-standing tradition of banning baseball gambling, dating back to the 1919 World Series scandal when gambler Joseph Sullivan paid eight White Sox players—Oscar Felsch, Arnold Gandil, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Fred McMullin, Charles Risberg, George Weaver and Claude Williams—around $10,000 each to fix the series. This led to one of the biggest sports scandals in history.

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