In order to be a legitimate business sportsbooks have to follow rules and policies that keep customers happy. These are called official betting and they’re basically a set of rules that dictate how wagers will be placed, what happens if something goes wrong with your bet or the event itself, and standard terms and conditions for all bets. These rules differ from sportsbook to sportsbook, but the majority of them will be similar.
In general, all bets are settled on the official result from the governing body for that sport. This includes overtime scores, unless otherwise specified. If a game is cancelled and not replayed within 24 hours, all bets on the game will be void.
All bets in hockey markets will include overtime unless otherwise stated, including shootouts. During live betting, bets may be subject to a delay of up to 30 seconds before confirmation. This is to prevent manipulation of the market, as it will only confirm a bet once all pending bets have been placed.
Generally, sportsbooks will only allow one account per player. If a customer is caught using multiple accounts, the sportsbook will run an investigation and decide how to handle the situation. Depending on the severity of the violation, they may revoke winnings, withhold funds, remove both accounts and possibly ban the user indefinitely. This would happen if the sportsbook suspects that the second account was created as a way to cheat or gain an advantage in betting on games.