In order to ensure fair play in poker tournaments, it is important to follow the official rules of the game. A professional poker tournament director, or Poker TDA, oversees the rules of the game. They are comprised of professionals who run large live poker rooms, independent tournaments, and circuits. Jack Effel, the president of FIDPA, is one of their members.
The Official Poker Rankings site is a free online resource that tracks online poker tournament results, poker player rankings, and poker site ratings. The rankings are updated regularly to reflect the latest results. Official Poker Rankings also has a free live streaming feature to view live sports and poker tournaments. However, it is important to note that duplicated content or other content based on these rankings is not allowed without the written permission of the owners of the site.
There are several important rules in playing poker, including not revealing the type of holding you have when folding. When folding, you should not reveal your hand to a friend. You should also avoid giving advice to other players, since this is against poker rules. Instead, try to play each hand individually. In the long run, you will make more money, and you will feel less pressured to win the pot.
If you want to play poker tournaments online, it is a good idea to learn the official rules of the games before you play. PokerNews has many helpful guides that explain official poker rules and hand rankings.