Poker has a long history and is a worldwide game with different rules in each country. This makes it difficult for players to play the game in the same way, causing misunderstandings and conflicts between them.
The basic game of poker involves a series of betting rounds, where each player may call or fold their bets. The bets are placed into a central pot, and the winning hand is determined by the highest card combination from those dealt.
Betting begins with one or more forced bets, either the ante or blind, and continues until each player has called or folded their bet. The first bet, or “pre-flop,” is typically the largest, if it is not the blind or ante.
After betting, each player receives a set of cards face down. The dealer then deals additional cards to each player, one at a time, starting with the player on their left.
The next round of betting takes place, and the player with the best hand wins the entire pot. When the last bet is made, a “showdown” occurs and the players’ hands are revealed.
Official poker tournaments use different colors of chips. These separate the tournament chips from the low-value chips that are used in the antes or blinds. They also help the dealers and staff easily distinguish a player’s chip stack from another player’s.
The rules of official poker are governed by the International Poker Federation, which compiled a set of 81 rules for poker players around the world to adhere to. These are freely downloadable at the FIDPA website.