In the past decade, poker has become a global sport. As such, it has been important for the game to create a standard set of rules that would apply in all tournaments. This was done through the creation of the International Poker Federation (FIDPA), which created a set of 81 official poker rules that can be viewed on their website. These standardized rules will help to avoid the majority of disputes that often occur at casinos or during poker tournaments.
While poker is generally played with one deck of cards, some players choose to use two decks of contrasting colors in order to speed up the deal. In addition, some players choose to make a special fund for the kitty, which is used to pay for new decks of cards, food and drinks, etc. Any chips left in the kitty when the game ends are divided equally among all the players still in the game.
Official poker rules are usually enforced by the professional Tournament Directors Association. The TDA has a large number of members who manage poker rooms, circuits or independent tournaments. They meet every two years at the TDA Summit to discuss poker rules and reforms.
The most important rule of poker is that a player must protect his or her hand at all times. This includes using a hand, chip or other object on top of the cards in order to prevent them from being exposed while action is pending. In addition, a player must not show a hand to any other player or advisor, and he or she may not reveal a strategy while facing action.