
The Official Lottery

Official lottery is a form of gambling that allows players to purchase tickets for a chance to win a prize. Typically, the prize is cash or goods. The odds of winning are often quite high, but the risk to the organizer is that the number of winners will exceed the amount of money paid out in prizes. Many states run lotteries, and the most well-known is probably the New York Lottery. It has been around since 1967 and uses its proceeds to fund education.

Early American lotteries were a “budgetary miracle,” Cohen writes, because they allowed state governments to raise large sums of money without raising taxes or cutting services—two options that were widely considered morally wrong and electorally suicidal. As America became increasingly secular, however, its morals began to shift and devout Protestants, who had been overwhelmingly supportive of government-sanctioned lotteries, came to regard them as morally unconscionable.

In the nineteenth century, corruption and moral uneasiness spelled doom for the majority of state lotteries. Only Louisiana’s notorious lottery survived into the 1890s, until Congress banned interstate promotion and sales by mail.

New York’s current lotteries are more regulated and responsible, but the public still has some concerns. One is the issue of addiction: The fact that lotteries expose people to a potentially addictive vice makes them a major concern for those worried about problem gambling. Another is that the games promote greed and consumerism, which can have real social costs.

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